Saturday, August 22, 2009

My 1st Day Ramadhan

My first day ramadhan for this year is working 8 hours at office just to setup the firewall..actually its not really me who setup it the linux guys yg wat...azizan & what am i doing there??just to bukak pintu utk bg dieorg masuk..pathatic sungguh...neways.. mase datang2 2 seram giler dgn ofis yg gelap giler but i notice that nowdays sy makin berani ar..dulu sy takut tmpt gelap & tgk cite antu x tau nape skrg dah berani sket..maybe bcz sy makin matang kot..ermm...back to the story.. as i dah masuk dlm ofis 2 my amal col we talk until i sakit perut n nk gi toilet.. then tetibe dpt msg dr amar..

amar: k.diah amar nk jaket romp utk besday amar..nnt kak diah bg duit rm** amar gi beli sndr
me: ok..nnt kak diah bg..

at 1st sy x mo pon bg die duit byk2 cam2..but pk kan mcm come on la diya..its his b'day..n he is the only cousin yg suke layan u & manja2 x betempat ngan u.. so i pon ckp la ok..
then the msg continue

amar: bile kak diah nk dtg
me: nnt la pas abis keje
amar: ala amar br je nk kuar ni..
me: so?
amar: xdelah amar ingat nk beli ari ni tp xpelah..
me: x kemane kedai romp ngan jaket 2..tgu jelah smp kak diah dtg bg..

ok..time ni mmg trigger..but hey its ramadhan kan..sabar diya, sabar.. budak2 kecik ni mmg u hv to be strict..kalo ngan amar pon x leh handle, camne nk handle anak2 sy nnt kan..

then when azizan & wan dah dtg n start working, sy pon amik lah net book kecik bwk gi dpn & tgk blogger boy..dari episod 5 until 11 i layan...dlm cite 2 tetibe budi bg nina mkn cupcake n suddently i teringin nk makan diyacupcake.. hahaha.. tetibe perut berbunyik & wan dgr..

wan: usih..relex ar nadiah..perut bunyik..
me: aah..nk wat camne ek?
wan: sabar jelah..
hahaha... soklan yg nk cover malu.."nak wat camne ek?" ermm..actually xdelah segan sgt as a bos, kene la cover..haha

then tgu2 smp mr.lim dtg betulkan code dier..die bleh jd dj plak kat situ layan lagu dari 80's until britney.. ngan lagu cina pon ade gak.. i suh die tukar lagu then die leh ckp..nnt lps habis lagu ni die tukar sendiri automatic..mmg lah mr.lim!!! mr.lim ni BM die mmg kelakar giler..antara ayat2 dier:
*lps main badminton kaki sy pedih ( pedih = lenguh)
*sy x perasaan ( perasaan = perasan)
dan macam2 lg yg sy sendiri pon dah luper..

then until sumer siap,azizan cover up wat draft networking & ajar2 n terang2kan sket abt policy..kul 6.30 br blk.. ok diya..belajar la utk bersabar..sekian

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