Friday, October 29, 2010

My 1st coach

Yippie..finally i got my 1st coach handbag n it is really nice + sweet + adorable dan sewaktu dgnnye..arghh im so happy its worth every penny...

its pink and its LEATHER...that y la i said its worth every penny...hihihi..
well at first i really didnt aspect that kak nana will buy leather since yelah kan, i pon bg die 200usd je utk beli coach ni...(well sy x kaye n duit pon x byk 200usd = rm600 means a lot for me) so i really tot that she would buy the kain material...then tgk2 die belikan leather n its pink..iyeahhh...

sgt puas hati ar..n kak nana belikan scraf utk sangkut kat tepi handbag 2 bg x npk kosong sgt...sweet sgt2.. hihihi

Ok, mebi org akan ckp sy batak skrg br dpt pki coach.. well x kesah ar.. duit gaji aku kan..penat tau sgt2 hepi..hihihi..bestnye la kalo dok kat us sane tu...dgr kak nana cite brg2 sane sume murah2..jeans CK die beli just 45usd OMG..jeans levis kat sini pon kat rm250..n tats the reason i didnt wear levis anymore..i just switch 2 GUESS jeans or CK jeans...sgt x berbaloi beli levis jeans..arghh i need shopping terapi...cant wait 12nov nih..hihihi

Okeh here is my 1st coach bags..luv itStyle 1: Tali pendek..blh dipakai ke kenduri2 kawen n blagak mcm mak datin.. cool

Style 2 : tali panjang..blh pki mcm handbag biase dan menjadi diya yusof...superb..


  1. gal~ my fren slalu bli brg US. nk oder x???? u kenal caa x? there she is :)

  2. canteknyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

    Dina,brg2 ape yg ur fren slalu beli tuuuuu,kalo Diya order,jgn lupe ajak tau!! hehe

  3. asikin my bebeh...imissu....ko pon nk order ker??hehehe
