Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Name ko kan google...

Penah x dgr org name die google??

gelaran google diberikan pada seseorg yg sume bende pon die tau...ape je die xtau..n bile kite br ckp sikit die dah abis kan ayat kite n kuarkan sume unrelevent answer yg kite pon xnk tau

aku x tahan tol kdg2 ngan google sorg ni...nk kutuk kat ofis mate nnt tambah dosa plak..baik aku kutuk sndr kat blog nih..

die ni dah tua..so bujet dah mkn garam terlebih la nih...

tp seriosly die sgt google..kdg2 bende2 kite tny bkn sbb xtau..sbb nk kepastian je then die pny lah kuar kan related n unrelated answer..(seb baik bile aku tny psl programming die mmg ngaku xtau wat)

then die akan habiskan ayat yg kite nk ckp...mcm bile aku ckp my cat die, i feel like crying... ok start dr i feel like crying 2 die dah ikut dah ape aku ckp / kdg2 die ulang blk..ntah lah

then , adelah sorg opis mate aku ni nk gi US sbb nk jage mak die sakit...then die pon fb lah US embassy tny die required international driving license ke x... pas2 bleh plak di google ni skodeng n dtg kat aku n ckp "i saw she asking us embassy bout driving license, well if u want 2 drive at us u must hv international driving license, xkan itu pon u x tau..m'sia license is m'sia one...international is international one..why she have 2 ask more..just apply lah.."

ok makcik google..everyone knows bout that..but in certain cases like when u r in US n u r in holiday mood, u just can rent a car w/h international driving license..in her case , she will staying there about 2 months..of cz she doesn't want anything bad happen to her n she is taking care her mother..as i said b4...kite cume nk kepastian..so lega lah bile dah tau what is right n legal 2 do...hasih....susah tol si google nih...

bab PHD toksah ckp lah... org 2 nk gi US cz mak die sakit..n nk jage mak die...mak die mcm kene sakit pompuan yg ade ketumbuhan dlm ovari n kalo x buang leh jd cancer...then google ni tny kat aku..
"actually what happend 2 her  mother ??"
 then aku pn jwb lah..then die tny lagi...

"how her mother knows that there is a lumps in her ovari??"
 haiyaa...die tny mcm x puas hati cz die ingat opis mate aku ni nk gi holiday saje2 kat sane...then aku jwb lah...of cz la she do medical check...nk je tambah..ko x wat ker?? ko kan dah tua?? tp malas la nnt kang kuar un related answer plak...

pas2 die sambung lagi...

"2months woo... why so long??"  hadoiii...suke hati die lah...dah die nk jage mak die kan..jeles ke ape cz ko xde anak nk jage ko time sakit??

sbnrnye google ni mmg mcm dah anggap opis mate aku ni mcm anak die sndr...so ala2 xleh nk berpisah gitu..so die mcm jeles2 lah bile opis mate aku ni nk jage mak die sndr...

satu lg , if aku kuar ngan opis mate aku ni n x bgtau kat die...bkn main bising lg die ckp kat opis mate aku sorg lg..." dieorg kuar curik ayam lah...berani betul nk kuar time opis hour lah...n mcm2 lah.... but bile opis mate aku ni ajak die kuar time opis hour bkn main laju lagi tutup pc...padahal die 2 dah lah receptionist...amatlah diperlukan kat opis nih...haishhh...

ok dah...aku dah puas...agaknye aku melepaskn n mengutuk org kat sini berdosa x... tp aku x tahan betul memendam rase nih...huhu

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